Assembled in the USA

Assembled in the USA

Our boat dock safety accessories are assembled in the USA.

Origin Stories

Stable Cable and the Upright Dashboard both came about by trying to solve a particular problem. One being adding stability and sure footing around boat docks and the other creating an equipment upgrade for hot air balloon pilots.
Tom Baker
We build quality boat dock accessories.

Quality Matters

I heard a story about America's largest retailer recently that reminded me of how much Quality Matters. An inventor went to pitch his product to the buyers at America's largest...
Tom Baker
Stable Cable provides sure footing when boarding a boat.

What is Stable Cable?

Stable Cable gives you a sense of balance and safety while you're boarding or exiting a boat.
It occurred to me that there ought to be something that would help me feel more stable while boarding a boat. After a few iterations I came up with the final version and have applied for a patent, hoping that it can help boaters across the country.
Tom Baker
Our boat dock accessories are made with top quality materials.

What Are Pier Gear Products Made With?

Pier Gear products are made with the finest marine canvas on the planet. We tested four different canvas materials and eliminated two after just a few weeks. Then we spent several months comparing the two finalists using a number of criteria from durability, fading factor, water resistance, and color selection.
Tom Baker
Have fun on the water and find a great name for your boat.

Naming Your Boat

During our travels and our research on the “Lake Life”, we have compiled this list of almost 70 boat names that caught our eye. Perhaps one or two of these strike a chord with you and, if so, then job well done and anchors away.
Tom Baker
Support your local lake conservation association.

Conservation is Part of Our Mission

As individuals, Conservation has been an important part of our daily lives for years and years. We support the National Parks, we participate in Earth Day, we participate with and support local lake preservation associations. It’s in our DNA and it’s just who we are.
Tom Baker
Customize your waterfront with our boat dock accessories.

Best Way To Customize Your Waterfront

Pier Gear products can help you have the coolest dock on the block, and they can help your friends find your dock with your distinctive colors. Pier Gear can help you decorate your waterfront on holidays or show your team spirit on game days. 
Tom Baker
How much does it cost to own a boat?

How Much Does It Cost To Own A Boat?

Owning a boat is an expensive proposition. To most boat owners, it is well worth the investment when you consider quality time outdoors with family and friends. Fishing and skiing and cruising can create lifelong memories.

This chart shows low and high prices for various boating supplies with an estimate of how many of each item a given boat owner may want to have. 

Tom Baker
Which states have the most registered boats?

Boating Statistics & More.

While we each have a local perspective on our lake recreation and enjoyment, the boating industry is larger than you may expect.

The National Marine Manufacturers Association provides industry statistics that can give all of us boat owners a certain sense of pride and a certain perspective on the boating industry.

Tom Baker
Our colorful dock post covers help you show your team colors.

Lakeside Gameday To Show Team Pride

How do you support your team when you’re at the lake?
Simple, you decorate your dock with your favorite team’s colors.

Tom Baker
Know the basic boating terms; it could save a life.

Common Boating Terminology List

Before venturing out on open waters, it’s important to have a basic understanding of common boat terms associated with the positions and directions of your boat. To the uneducated ear, even the simplest of boating terms can sound like a second language.
Knowing these terms can help
SAVE A LIFE. Take them seriously.
Tom Baker